Week 3.3
Analyse the website Get the processing software working and perform the change blindness and visual search experiments. Visit some art websites (e.g. Rijksmuseum, google art project, etc).
Week 3.4
Perform eye tracking experiments. You might start spending some time on assignment 3 after this weeks lecture. Also finish the first part of assignment 1, functional redesign.
Week 3.5
Collect results of the three user tests and start the redesign .Guest lectures on webshops and data visualisation. After this lecture you can safely start with the second part of assignment 1 (aesthetics).
Week 3.6
Work further on assignment 1 (product and interaction). Finalise assignment 3. Make a plan for the data visualisation of the rijksmuseum project (assignment 2), download the software (probably Tableau, we’ll keep you updated about this). Practical training, work out the data vis concept.
Week 3.7 & 3.8
Finalise assignment 2 and prepare report and presentation of assignment 1.
Week 3.9
Presentation. Hand in the deliverables.
I like the fact that you listed the planning. It gives you and the viewer an aoverview of what to expect from your blog :) - Group R